Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

Babel Rising-FLT


Genre: Strategy
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Mando Productions

( Mini Game Compilation # 11 )

Description: In Babel Rising, gamers play as God, preventing humans from building the tower of Babel. Gamers can use their divine powers by hurling bolts of lightning, summoning massive earthquakes or unleashing gigantic floods upon the Babylonians. Mando Productions, the developer of Babel Rising, has built upon their original mobile release of Babel Rising by creating new 3D environments and integrating competitive and cooperative multiplayer modes.
  • Prevent the Rise of Babylon – Prevent humans from building three different towers of Babel throughout different historic eras, in 15 single-player missions across 4 game modes.
  • Babylon Will Perish – Thwart a wide variety of Babylonians united in their desire to build the tower, always looking for the quickest path to the top. Workers carry stones, priest protect workers from spells, and siege towers help them access upper levels faster.
  • You are in Control of the Elements – Unleash devastating elemental attacks based on fire, water, earth and air, each with a unique effect depending on the target. Throw fireballs, release tornadoes, rain meteors, and much more. As you progress, your powers become deadlier and more powerful than ever.

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