Jumat, 16 Mei 2014

The Last Tinker City of Colors

Publisher: Mimimi Productions
Developer: Mimimi Productions
Genre: Action
Release Name: The.Last.Tinker.City.of.Colors-RELOADED


Release Description:
In a world where creativity has given way to conflict, a young street kid living in the slums of Colortown seeks to restore the spark of imagination to his hometown. As Koru, you must harness the power of color to defeat the Bleakness and make Colortown vibrant once again. A charming blend of modern platforming and multicolored style, The Last Tinker is a one-of-a-kind adventure.


Colorful and joyous out-of-this-world HD environments
A cast of strange hand drawn off-beat characters
Over 8 hours of action-packed puzzle and fighting gameplay
Captivating story-line covering present-day issues on culture and racism
Color blind mode for people with red-green color blindness

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