Minggu, 01 Maret 2015


Genre: Action, Indie
Developer: Leikir Studio
Publisher: Neko Entertainment
Release Name: Isbarah-FLT


Description: Isbarah is a cross-genre of bullet hell and platformer style, it’s a hardcore 2d game and each level is a duel boss fight.
In Isbarah, you have the standard platformer game controls and bosses will fight like in bullet hell games.

 To survive, we have added three abilities to the gameplay:
  • Slow Motion : Will enable a time slow down in order to give the player time to analyze the situation around them and to make a wise move.
  • Dash : This ability allows you to make fast moves to any direction with perfect precision.
  • The Barrier : you can use it as a shield or a platform, whether to protect yourself or to help you climb higher.

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