Kamis, 10 Desember 2015


Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Thrill Pill Games
Publisher: Thrill Pill Games
Release Name: HotLead-POSTMORTEM


Release Description:
HotLead is an arcade third-person shooter set in industrial surroundings. The game takes the players in a world where mankind has reached the deepest corners of space and has encountered new alien species. Humans wanted to defend themselves in the event of a war for space supremacy and built droid bases on strategic planets, which were each supposed to protect a certain area and launch a defensive attack in the event of war.

The central mission requires players to disable an enemy base and then get to the extraction point. To complete their mission they will need to go through a series of smaller, independent tasks – each more challenging than the previous one. Through these side-missions players will uncover and use new skills. Each enemy has its own ability, so they need to adapt their strategy based on their opponents.

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