Genre: Action, Indie, Strategy
Developer: Caleb Hooper ,Christian Hooper
Publisher: Red Tree Studios
Release Name: Tank.Defense.Division-PLAZA


Tank Defense Division is an arcade-like strategy game. In which players battle foreign tanks to test their own mettle. The game coming with both a single player campaign and coop. Along with a diverse selection of Levels, Enemies, and Game modes to Explore, Battle, Build upon, and Share.

  • Level editor: Allows the community to build, play and share levels with both friends and strangers.
  • Campaign mode: The player battles dynamic AI through a 100 unique levels in both co-op and single player.
  • Battle mode: Battle friends, strangers, and AI alike in premade levels or ones fellow players have created.
  • Dynamic AI: Various types of enemies that change throughout gameplay each having their own specific abilities and weaknesses.
  • Multiplayer: Play with friends and strangers against AI, together, or in an all-out firefight.