Senin, 22 Januari 2018


Genre: Adventure, Indie, RPG, Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Picaresque Studio
Publisher: Fish Eagle
Release Name: Nantucket-Razor1911


Description: Chase after Moby Dick, and live through the Golden Age of American whaling in this seafaring strategy game. Set sail around the world, manage your ship and crew, and live Ishmael’s story, the sole survivor of the Pequod, a few years after the events narrated by Herman Melville in his masterpiece.

  • Set sail and explore the seas
    Set sail around the world, visit cities, and increase your prestige by hunting whales, landing jobs, and searching for new adventures.
  • Be the captain you want to be
    Develop your character in true RPG fashion, by increasing your stats, choosing your reactions, and developing your seafaring skills.
  • Manage your ship and crew
    Hire and manage your crew, give them tasks on your ship, and improve your ship with new compartments, expanding your ship’s capabilities.
  • Experience the Golden Age of whaling
    Experience more than a thousand unique events tailored around your choices—and face the results of your actions.
  • Hunt whales and fight pirates
    Discover new whaling areas, hunt whales for blubber, and protect your ship from pirates using a turn-based combat system.
  • Chase after Moby Dick
    Follow an original story line and complete quests to unveil the secrets behind Moby Dick and dissolve Ahab’s curse.

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