Selasa, 17 Maret 2020


Genre: Casual, Indie, Simulation
Developer: Big Plane Game Studio
Publisher: Big Plane
Release Name: HENTAI.RESORT.Dream.Paradise-DARKSiDERS


Release Description:
This game is basically a bunch of (bad) minigames that are navigated via a 3D, open world. Between the days and nights different characters and places will become available. To jump between day and night, you can use your bed to skip time. Female characters sport “Affection Meters”, which are filled by playing minigames. Once the meter caps, you can take these characters to your room.

There’s a rock-paper-scissors game, which is long and tedious. Or you can cheat, and wait for your opponent to pick her move (and react to her with zero penalty). In another game you must listen to a series of sounds (or watch on-screen shapes), and correctly replicate the order they were played in. One game involves smashing the mouse button (in rapid succession), and another dropping bombs on moving targets.
One game is a sort of “whack-a-mole”, where you take-out “husbandos” and avoid “waifus”. There’s a “flappy birds” clone, where you fly a plane between “cloud walls”. On the beach you can even play a long and arduous game “break out”. There are a wide variety of minigames, but they are repetitive and sport poor controls. Not only that, but they are often very slow to play, making progression (even more) tedious.

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